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Updated: Dec 15, 2019

Your skin is a tell-tale indicator of how good you feel on the inside. This is why it is very important that you take care of your skin and pamper it silly from time to time. But thanks to our ridiculously busy lifestyles, regular skincare often tends to take a backseat. Add to this problem; constant stress, dirt, pollution, sun exposure and our undying love for junk food and you can already kiss great skin a goodbye! But don’t worry, ladies! We have something that is going to bring a huge smile to your lips and an amazing glow to your face. Amazing skin is not very difficult to achieve honestly, provided you are regular, determined and diligent.

These beauty tips for face are going to give you a brighter, glowing complexion that you are going to love. These beauty tips for face have stood the test of time and have come out victorious. These are the basics that your dermatologist wishes you knew and followed, also these tips have your grandmother’s agreement stamped all over it.

Here’s a beauty guide for all your beauty and skincare junkies out there. Try these beauty tips for the face first and don’t forget to thank us later!

Wash your face twice a day

Cleansing or washing your face form the basis of a good beauty routine for flawless skin, and it should not be compromised on, no matter what. Washing your face helps get rid of dirt, impurities and grime and is an important beauty tip for the face. And by washing, we mean really lathering your face with a gentle foaming cleanser such as the Ponds Pure White Anti-Pollution + Purity Face Wash. This face wash is enriched with activated carbon that helps thoroughly remove any traces of pollution damage from your face to make your skin look absolutely clean, flawless and radiant. Using a face wash is extremely important as simply rinsing your face with water is not enough, and more often than not, the impurities and minerals present in the water could damage your skin and make it break out.

Massage your face

Facial massages are a common practice that a lot of women follow as a part of their beauty routine, and rightly so, because of there too many benefits of a face massage. It is a natural way to relieve stress and is to enhance your mood. This is an amazing beauty tip for the face as it helps stimulate the production of collagen and blood in the skin. Regularly massaging your face tightens skin and lifts your facial muscles. This is an amazing anti-ageing treatment and works well to give you a youthful glow. Additionally, face massages also benefit inflamed skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Light manipulation on the skin increases blood flow and oxygen which is needed for healing, plus it helps to expel toxins that are often responsible for breakouts.

Drink A LOT of water

Water has a lot of skincare benefits and is a natural and super safe tip for flawless skin. Skin, just like any other organ of your body, requires water to function properly. If you are not drinking enough water, you are depriving your skin of sufficient hydration. This lack of hydration will show on your skin as it will make it appear dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling. As water is lost in large quantities every day, you need to replace it somehow. Water flushes out the toxins from our vital organs while also carrying nutrients to the cells, which helps the organs function at optimum levels. With regards to skin, it helps to reduce pimples, marks and acne, even delaying the ageing process to an extent.

Wear sunscreen everyday

If you want healthy, glowing and wrinkle-free skin, then it is important that you follow this beauty tip for face without fail each and every day. Although wearing sunscreen may seem like an added task in your beauty routine that shows no immediate results, the truth is, using sunscreen every day today, will definitely ensure that your skin thanks you 10 years later. You should never leave the house without putting on some sunscreen to ensure that your skin suffers minimum sun damage. Sunscreen prevents wrinkles, spots, loosening and skin cancer.

Use a face mask regularly

If you have to deprive yourself of the pampering of a face mask and indulging in some Netflix and chill over a weekend, then it definitely shows. If you want an easy and instant way to achieve healthy and supple skin, then you need to get yourself a face mask right now. The benefits of using face masks are many and they come designed for different skin types, ages and solve specific problems for quick and targeted action. If you are looking for that one beauty tip for face at home to achieve flawless skin, then face masks are perfect. Using the correct face mask helps hydrate skin, remove excess oils and improve the appearance of your pores. They’re also an excellent way to help pull out impurities.

Get enough sleep

If you are tired, then it is definitely going to show on your face. This is why, apart from all the indulgence in beauty treatments for your face, it is very important that you get enough sleep each night. After all, sleeping in the night is called catching up on some beauty sleep for a reason! Sleeping helps rebalance your body’s hydration and keeps your skin healthy and hydrated. Your body boosts blood flow to the skin while you snooze, which means you wake to a healthy glow. Skimp on sleep and your complexion can look drab, ashen, or lifeless. If you want to smooth out your wrinkles and fine lines, we suggest you hit the sack right now. But do not forget to sleep on sleep pillow cases and sleep on your back to not harm your skin while you sleep.

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